How to use french press
How to use french press

how to use french press

If you’re using a French press, it means you WANT a rich bold, nuanced brew. Using too little coffee (such as 1 TBS to 8 oz of water) produces a brew that is bitter and doesn’t taste right. You should also keep in mind that, in general, most people are in the habit of using too little coffee. Which is why, when brewing with a French press, you should commit to experimenting until you get the ratio that you love. Coffee to water ratio – start with 2TBS per every 6-8 oz of water – This method is forgiving when it comes to ratios – in other words, it’s hard to screw it up.The reason for a coarse grind is, again, extraction – if you use a medium or finer grind you’ll end up with bitter coffee and too much sediment in the bottom of your cup. Use a coarse grind – set your burr grinder to coarse grind and you’ll be set.If you don’t have a thermometer, or don’t want to measure the temperature of the water, a good rule of thumb is to put the water on the stove, get it just to boiling, remove from heat, wait 30-60 seconds, then pour. The reason it should be this hot has to do with flavor extraction from the coffee grounds to achieve the BEST TASTE – which we will get into in a later post.

how to use french press

  • Water temperature – recommendations on this are a small range of 195-200 (no lower than 190) degrees fahrenheit.
  • Important tips you want to keep in mind with this brew method:
  • Place the plunger apparatus on top of the press (but don’t plunge yet).
  • Saturate the grounds (pour the water) and stir gently.
  • Grind the coffee beans (use a coarse grind setting on your burr grinder).
  • How a French Press Worksīrewing coffee in a French Press requires these steps: In a French press the coffee grounds are immersed in water for a set time (exactly like the cold brew method except the water is hot instead of room temperature and the immersion time is about 4 minutes rather than 12+ hours ).

    How to use french press